openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: APMT Track & Trace - Container Event History description: Provides series of events the container has been through and the most latest update contact: name: APM Terminals API Management Team url: email: license: name: APM Terminals url: version: v1.0 servers: - url: description: Sandbox API - url: description: Production API paths: /container-event-history: get: description: Returns time stamped description of events registered against container ID(s) parameters: - name: facilityCode in: query description: The Terminal UN Location Code to search for (USLAX for Los Angeles etc). Only accepts a single Terminal Code. Possible values are USLAX (Los Angeles, US), USMOB (Mobile, US), USNWK (Port Elizabeth, US), SEGOT (Gothenburg, Sweden), ITVDL (Vado, Italy) NGAPP (Apapa, Nigeria) and BHKBS (Bahrain). required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: LSA - name: assetId in: query description: Either single or multiple Container IDs or Bill of Lading numbers seperated by commas (e.g. MRSU3638119,TCNU6736993). required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: MRSU3638119 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: containerId: type : string description : The unique identifier for the equipment, which should follow the BIC ISO Container Identification Number. shippingLine: type : string description : The name of the shipper or container operator. eventDetails: type : object properties: performedDateTimeLocal: type : string description : Timestamp of event occurance. eventType : type : string description : Description of the event registered against the container ID(s) positionNotes : type : string description : Description of the containers position example: [{"containerId": "TCLU1619533","shippingLine": "MAE","eventDetails": [{"performedDateTimeLocal": "2020-09-30T19:23:12-07:00","eventType": "Unit reserved for an order (booking or EDO)","positionNotes": "Unit is reserved against Bill Of Lading 239911171"},{"performedDateTimeLocal": "2020-09-30T19:22:25-07:00", "eventType": "Unit routing changed", "positionNotes": "none"},{ "performedDateTimeLocal": "2020-09-29T04:12:23-07:00","eventType": "Storage details are updated.", "positionNotes": "none"},{ "performedDateTimeLocal": "2020-09-25T20:49:41-07:00","eventType": "Unit position updated","positionNotes": "Unit Position Updated"}]},{"containerId": "MRSU3638119","shippingLine": "MAE","eventDetails": [{"performedDateTimeLocal": "2020-09-30T19:22:45-07:00","eventType": "Unit reserved for an order (booking or EDO)","positionNotes": "Unit is reserved against Bill Of Lading 239911171"},{"performedDateTimeLocal": "2020-09-30T19:21:13-07:00","eventType": "Unit routing changed","positionNotes": "none"},{"performedDateTimeLocal": "2020-09-29T04:12:15-07:00","eventType": "Storage details are updated.", "positionNotes": "none"}]}] '400': description: Bad Request. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example: StatusCode: "400" ReasonPhrase: "Bad Request" Payload: code: "400" message: "Bad Request" debugMessage: "Invalid content or request details" '401': description: The user is not authenticated in the system content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example : 1 : StatusCode: "401" ReasonPhrase: "Unauthorized" Payload: code: "401" message: "Unauthorized" debugMessage: "Failed to Authenticate, invalid access token" 2: StatusCode: "401" ReasonPhrase: "Unauthorized" Payload: code: "401" message: "Unauthorized" debugMessage: "Access Token Expired, please renew" '403': description: The user does not have permissions to access this endpoint, Inadequate credits for the api call or Rate Plan not selected content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example : StatusCode: "403" ReasonPhrase: "Forbidden" Payload: code: "400" message: "Bad Request" debugMessage: "Inadequate credits for the api call or Rate Plan not selected" '404': description: Not Found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example : StatusCode: "405" ReasonPhrase: "Method Not Allowed" Payload: code: "405" message: "Method Not Allowed" debugMessage: "Method Not Allowed" '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example : StatusCode: "429" ReasonPhrase: "Too Many Requests" Payload: code: "429" message: "Too Many Requests" debugMessage: "Sudden usage spike, please try after sometime" '500': description: Internal Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example : StatusCode: "500" ReasonPhrase: "InternalServerError" Payload: code: "500" message: "InternalServerError" debugMessage: "Unexpected server error" '502': description: BadGateway content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example : StatusCode: "502" ReasonPhrase: "BadGateway" Payload: code: "502" message: "BadGateway" debugMessage: "The remote server returned an error: Bad Gateway" '503': description: ServiceUnavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exception' example : StatusCode: "503" ReasonPhrase: "ServiceUnavailable" Payload: code: "503" message: "ServiceUnavailable" debugMessage: "Target Service Unavailable" components: schemas: Exception: type: object properties: payload: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExceptionPayload' statusCode: type: string description: Standard http error code reasonPhrase: type: string description: Reason for the error ExceptionPayload: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Standard http code. message: type: string description: Standard http message with respect to http code. debugMessage: type: string description: Reason for the failure of message. securitySchemes: oauth2: type: oauth2 description: APMT IAM OAuth 2.0 with client credentials only. flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: scopes: client_write: Write data